We LOVE To Sing!!

We wait impatiently all summer for the start of a new season. More than half of the members pay their dues the week before rehearsals start, just to get their music early and see what has been selected.

We rehearse on Monday afternoons, September through March. Each time more “snowbird” members arrive and by mid-October we are all together. It’s great to reconnect with our friends and hear how they are doing.

When concert day arrives, we give our best effort to provide our audience with a memorable concert. Some members perform solos or play an instrument to add to the concert. Photos by Leon Resnick

About a week or so after our Spring Concert, we get together one more time before going our separate ways for the summer. The Annual Meeting is part business but mostly a time to celebrate our achievements, relax, and visit with friends.

Consider the following information about the Sun Lakes Chorale:

  • Rehearsals held at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church Choir Room, Mondays from 1-4pm

  • Open to Sun Lakes residents who enjoy a choral experience

  • A wide variety of music and composers to enjoy

  • Make new friends and attend member social events

  • Two major concerts per year

  • Formal concert attire for both men and women

  • Dues of $50, payable when season’s music is picked up

  • New members may be accepted on a space available basis

  • For more information you can email the Chorale at: emaillist@sunlakeschorale.com

We LOVE to sing and want you to be a part of our Chorale!